New Song and Progress!

I had a bit of a breakthrough.  For this semester we need to write a paper and I have been working on trying to figure out which music producer to write about.  I thought Rick Rubin for a while, but I feel like everyone loves Rubin and I checked out a couple other ones that would be really interesting.  I considered Butch Walker for a while since he's an amazing performer, his discography is good and I pinpointed a signature sound of his.  He seem like an interesting person as well.  I also checked out Max Martin, and also Howard Benson who produced some albums that really influenced me in one way or another like P.O.D.'s “Satellite” album, two incredible Blindside albums, most of Flyleaf's albums, Trust Company, Hoobastank, Starset.  It's cool to know a good portion of his work so well.  

It all got blown to pieces when I watched an excerpt from an interview where Rick Rubin spent time talking creativity and I knew right away that I would be changing my paper.  I am genuinely excited, as he always seemed like someone I should learn about.  I cannot wait to see what I come across!  

I struggle with the creative process still, but after spending a month getting back on doing Julia Cameron's morning page journaling, I have come to realize how much I have been missing.  

There was a time in my life when I first started doing the Artist's Way when I felt more confident in myself and my abilities than ever before.  It affected my life so positively in many different ways from problem-solving to better work efficiency to facing my fears and taking positive risks.  I have banged my head against the wall to try and figure out what I had learned back then that made me feel so complete (for lack of a better word).  I believe, after all this time and searching and rereading journals, that the most important thing that I was doing was simply just journaling.  Things have been falling back into place ever since I restarted.  I have often though that it not only clears my mind, but also serves as a way to remind myself of who I am.  And be reaffirmed with everything I've been doing and hoping to do.  

So, Rick Rubin and his work seems to align with the mindset that I am hoping to further wrap my head around.  

I had to do a couple remixes for one of my classes last semester and it was unusually fun!  I am posting the first one I did.  I liked the vocals for “Brick by Boring Brick”, and the rest just came together from influences like NIN, Swimming With Dolphins, Evanescence, and The Midnight among some others.  I hope you find it interesting and I'll be posting more music soon!  I'll leave you with Butch Walker being awesome with the Marvelous 3.




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